What does “Being Advanced” mean?
Well! if you search this term on Google, the results you get to see on the top are
1. Going or placed before: in the context of a human, being advanced means standing at least a step ahead of others.
2. Made or given ahead of time: it means to create or give something before the actual time of its existence.
3. Issued ahead of time: this means to represent something in advance that is going to happen later.
4. Having gone beyond others or the average: and this last one sums up the above three statements as it means to go ahead of others or to be anything above average.
Boon and Bane of “Being Advanced”…
Being advanced makes you stand out of the other majors and helps you overcome future problems.
a) The technological advancements in today’s world enable us to save time and energy.

b) Industrial advancements in the present time help us create better quality products in lesser time. e.g. creating leather products on advanced machines.

c) The modern-day transportation facilities have made commuting easier and time-saving.

d) Good sources of earning have resulted in rich families making everyday lives easier. They have loads of variety and quantity of everything including food.
–> Though being the “Tech-savvy” affects our health mentally and physically in ways such as eyesight, our brain, etc.

–> But degrade our environment in ways like pollution caused by industries which further causes health issues, depletion of natural resources, and disturbing the food chain.

–> but they also contribute to heavy pollution and depletion of the ozone layer.

–> Not eating the whole of the food on the plate may look cool or well mannered but not throwing it away. As someone is starving for that little amount of food you just wasted.

The advancement does help in various ways but, with more bane such as health issues caused by technology, different types of pollution, depletion of natural resources, disruption in the food chain, depletion of the ozone layer, etc. all interconnected at some or the other end.
Some major problems of being advanced are:-
Water scarcity
It is one of the major byproducts of the “Advancement”. The more industrialized we get the more we deplete the water level.
It happens so because, the level of water usage, wastage and pollution are higher than the level of water harvesting.

Food Wastage

Food waste or food loss is food that is discarded or lost uneaten. The causes of food waste or loss are numerous and occur at the stages of producing, processing, retailing and consuming. The cooked or raw food that is left uneaten and thrown away denotes food wastage.
Road Traffic – Pollution and fatalities
Our commuting system has for sure helped us save our time but the extra speed people use to drive costs them their lives. The wrong use of vehicles and not following the traffic rules kill people in huge numbers.
Also, the pollution caused by the excessive number of vehicles on the roads causes air pollution which further causes various respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, etc.
Millions of people die due to pollution and road fatalities every year.

The Blame Game !!
Being advanced or rather being ahead doesn’t mean that we are supposed to unlink ourselves from the amusing history of our city or even the present. We, these days are so engrossed with our selves and work that we are least aware of our city. It’s attractions, top places to visit, it’s history and even present. Being advanced has advantages but some disadvantages too like:- environmental degradation, health issues, unawareness about the places we live in, etc.

After all these advancements when we hamper the environment in various ways we start blaming the government for not taking action. We blame the Britishers for ruining our heritage, and every possible person for the deterioration. but we never look into ourselves to see how much have we contributed to all this…
Welcome to Kanpur 2.0
Advancement has for sure helped us a lot in progressing faster and better but has cut away our roots from the history of our city Kanpur.
We these days are so engrossed with future planning and technology that our history is left far behind. Most of us have no idea that Kanpur, dated back in history, was known as the “Manchester of the East” and was also widely regarded as “The Leather City of The World” because of it’s very famous “Textile” & “Leather” businesses.
Some famous industries of Kanpur-
1. Lal Imli
3. MHPL India Pvt. Ltd.
4. RSPL Limited
5. Super House Ltd Allen Cooper Etc.
Superhouse Limited MHPL India Pvt. Ltd. UPICA Lal Imli RSPL Limited
Top Places to visit in Kanpur-
1. Kanpur Zoological Park
2. Moti Jheel
3. Blue World Theme Park
4. Nana Rao Park
5. J.K. Temple
6. Kanpur Memorial Church
7. Phool Bagh
8. Dharmanath Swetamber Jain Glass Temple
9. ISKCON Temple Kanpur
10. Panki Panchmukhi Hanuman Mandir
11. Buddha Park
12. Kanpur Museum
Panki Panchmukhi Hanuman Mandir Buddha Park ISKCON Temple
Dharmanath Swetamber Jain Glass TemplePhool Bagh J.K. Temple Kanpur Memorial Church Nanarao Park Blueworld Theme park Moti Jheel Kanpur Zoo Kanpur Museum
You must surely be amazed to know about several places that they even exist in our city that’s a big drawback of the advancement that it disconnects with our heritage.
In the end, it’s we who are responsible for the byproducts of our actions, whether it be pollution or something else. Its high time we limit our actions else it may cost us something unimaginable.
How can we contribute as a citizen?
To conserve our environment we can contribute in several ways such as:-
- Implement the 5 R’s’ in our day to day lives
a. Refuse – single-use products
b. Reduce – the usage of non-bio degradable products
c. Reuse – non-recyclable products
d. Recycle – the products you can’t reuse
e. Re-think – about the products you buy

2. Plant more trees.
3. Use cycles for short distances. Carpooling is also a good option.
4. Make cleanliness a personal motto.
Success story: The game-changer
Here is a story of “Mori” a sleepy cashew exporting village in East Godavari district, which has emerged as the first super-smart village of the state. Even as the rest of the country is struggling to switch to the digital payment mode, this proud village has proudly hoisted its flag high to declare as an all-digital administration panchayat.
Click here for more details.

In the end, we can conclude that:
We need to accept our actions and their results and improve it now to have a happier future. We need to accept the whole of our Kanpur city as our home only then is it possible to maintain it as it needs to be. But for this, we all need to work as a team as it is not a single person’s task. For a better tomorrow, we need to take a strong and positive initiative today.