Understanding Freedom at its core is done beautifully by numerous philosophers. We, on the other hand, can just feel it. We know when we feel free. We understand the moment our shackles are broken. We know it when our heart speaks freely without any burdens. When freedom enters, our lives get transformed dramatically. So much so that our whole perspective towards life changes.
Campus Haat has been a huge believer in this kind of freedom. The one that comes from within. Because it is the strongest when it comes from within. And that is why for three years CH has been working on building numerous solutions to help people find that freedom.
CH aims to create digital solutions and bridge the gaps between different elements of the community. It strongly holds the belief that the independence of a community is driven by the independence of each and every individual. This belief has motivated CH to come up with digital solutions in hyperlocal, business, education, and humanitarian domains.
These are some of our solutions that CH has been working on for the past three years.
Campus Haat, Maalik and Ranger

When we think about local services, the first people that come to our mind are Sharma ji’s Mithaai shop, Pintu ki carpenter shop, Babli’s beauty parlour and Aziz bhai ke kabaab. We all have Sharma ji’s,Pintu, Babli and Aziz bhai near us in different names and forms. They have been offering their services and products to us since years and there is a mutual trust and respect. Be it a wedding or a retirement party, sweets will definitely come from Sharma ji’s shop.
Campus Haat knows and understands this relationship of trust. And that’s why through these three solutions CH intends to give a 21st century makeover to the community by bringing everything online.
The ‘Campus Haat’ app is a repository of local businesses that the customers can browse through and have a wholesome online buying experience. The unique thing is that the businesses that are providing the services are a part of your own community. These businesses are digitally present on ‘Maalik’ where they can list their services, products and use the analytics provided by CH to grow their business. And well, of course, last but not the least, ‘Rangers’ – an app for the delivery representatives to monitor the delivery and tracking of orders. These three applications form the Holy Trinity of the hyperlocal setup of CH and create a holistic community experience.
Jugnu, The Light Within

The name is in itself a good hint towards what this campaign is all about. When finding freedom from within, one really needs to have a good understanding of his/her own self. And that’s where CH thought it could be of small help.
Jugnu can be interpreted as a safe space, a venting space, a listening space, or just a group of friends sharing their lives. Moderated by professionals, Jugnu is our recent initiative that aims towards bringing people together and share mutual experiences.
Jugnu have been conducting regular sessions for the past few weeks. Follow Jugnu on Instagram and Facebook to stay updated and be a part of one of the sessions.

We see so many examples around us where people have taken it upon themselves to help the ones in need and free them of their adversities. People are motivated to do such things because of the goodness in their hearts. And when such goodness exists in the society, how powerful will the society be if we can bring such people together?
This initiative was inspired by the quote “Helping others is the way we help ourselves” by Oprah Winfrey. With ‘Sahayog’, CH embodies the vision to create a unified portal for NGOs, Schools, Companies, governments, Donors and General Public to share information, communicate and transact.
As an organization, CH have been involved in social activities with numerous other organizations. Take a look at our activities in this blog.

Knowledge is freedom and when we have the freedom to implement that knowledge, the world seems like an open canvas. In such an open world, exchange of ideas happen and when great ideas are put forth, the community grows leaps and bounds.
‘Moon’ is an effort by CH towards creating a platform where people from various backgrounds come together and exchange ideas, opportunities, and knowledge. It will be a network of dreamers where ambitions will flow freely and ideas will know no bounds. Download the app for android and iOS and be a part of this network.

The pandemic has taken the world by storm and there is no sight of it ending anytime soon. Though we are getting accustomed to the new normal, who wouldn’t like to experience the freedom to roam around without the fear of contracting the virus?
Various organizations around the world have come up with solutions for tracking and monitoring the virus outbreaks. CH has also joined the bandwagon and are creating a platform for community-based tracking. This solution will connect the local government and the community residents to help resolve issues related to the pandemic situation. From reporting the cases in your neighbourhood to getting help from the officials, ‘Corona360’ with assist you in protecting yourself from all directions.
In all our efforts towards creating these solutions, we have always focused on active involvement from the members of the community. Be it our homemade food service or our social work, our endeavors are incomplete without some amazing people from the communities around us.
And that’s the reason we are coming up with a new opportunity where you can be a part of Campus Haat and help you and your community grow together. Please stay tuned with our Instagram, Facebook and Website for further updates on this opportunity.